Closed Board Meeting

LLCO Meeting

To discuss the reimbursement made to Jeff Tanner in 2016 for over $2000.

Lake Lorraine Civic Organization Friday, February 25 Closed Board Meeting

Attendees: Doug , James, Mark , Liz and Donald

Not present : Jeff

This Board Meeting was called by Doug to discuss the made to Jeff Tanner in 2016 for over $2000. This meeting was in response to Jeff’s emailed dated February 22, 2022. Mark said Jeff couldn’t come to the meeting because Jeff had a medical procedure the previous day. Mark then proceeded to read a time statement of expenses that Jeff gave him to read to the board. The document was passed around the table. Jeff called in to discuss his point of view as to why he should reimburse LLCO for a total of $592.27. Jeff stated that three culverts were purchased, and one was used on Lot 9. Though the receipt shows that Mark’s company purchased them, it was really Jeff that had paid for all 3. Upon questioning by Doug, Jeff acknowledged that the 2 other culverts were used for his driveway. Jeff previously stated that no one needed to know what the other two culverts were used for. There was discussion back and forth about why Jeff didn’t come forthright with that information. Jeff during the conversation just kept saying this was a mistake and if Doug and the board didn’t believe him that he was “Done”. Doug told him the optics here look bad. Doug asked Jeff to resign. Jeff said he would resign if the board accepted his check in the amount of $ 592.27 (the cost for two culverts and a receipt for air filters) . Liz and James said to Jeff that basically he’s trying to blackmail the board . Jeff again said that he didn’t think that the location/use of the two culverts that he was reimbursed were any of the board’s business which is why he hadn’t shared this information until this night. During this discussion, Jeff had hung up and called back. Jeff was then asked about the other items listed on the receipt s included in Jeff’s reimbursement request and paid for by LLCO. Jeff stated that the sawhorse was used on the repair of the dock and most likely in the possession of a resident that has moved from the neighborhood. In addition, the board asked about the caulking, subflooring, ant killer, diamond blade saw, air filters, and other miscellaneous items were unaccounted for though reimbursed. There was even a hedger bought for approximately worth $ 500.00 with LLCO funds. The Board learned at this time that this hedge trimmer was in Jeff’s possession and had been hanging in his garage. Jeff said it was bought to edge the lake. Donald says we have lawn service that does that and cannot recall ever seeing that edger used. Jeff was willing to reimburse LLCO a total of $592.27 . At 18:53 Jeff reaffirmed he was going to resign from the board and wasn’t running for any board in the future and will put the hedger in his driveway for a board member to pick up. Jeff also stated that we could let a court decide. After this Jeff hung up. Board members said they had a hard time with Jeff’s stories. After much Board discussion including the Board reviewing the receipts in chronological order, the members determined that it would be difficult after 6+ years to determine what the other items on the receipts were used for and if they were legitimate receipts for LLCO. It was proposed that Jeff reimburse LLCO for the cost of the culverts and ​air filters and pay interest at 5% (which is the amount charged by Jeff when he was president of LLCO for delinquent non legal lot assessments). This would total $740.94. James said he still wasn’t sitting well with what just happened as in the deceptive demeanor and withholding of information by Jeff. Donald brought up there are no minutes and said Jeff did say let a judge decide so accept his check or take this to a DA for criminal referral. The board didn’t want to take this to a criminal referral and voted unanimously to take the money plus interest owed for the culverts. It was agreed that Liz was to prepare a bill on LLCO letterhead and send to Jeff for payment. Mark stated that the future Board should make it a SOP to require the board to get a PO for anything over $500.00 in the future Doug raised concern about him self requesting reimbursement for any expenses he has incurred. Doug showed the receipts to the board. Liz is to make an expense reimbursement form and give to Doug. Doug will then submit the form and receipts and the Board agreed that only one Board member would have to sign the check for reimbursement to Doug as long as the reimbursement did not exceed $400. Liz brought up the Lawn Pro contract. We do not have a current contract with Lawn Pro or any contractor. Mark questioned if these contractors have insurance and bonds. Liz is to obtain insurance from all vendors that LLCO uses . Meeting was adjourned. (At the time of adjournment, the Board has not received Jeff’s resignation. After the meeting, the hedge trimmer was not in Jeff’s driveway to be picked up)

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